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I’m Helen Hall, I analyse movement, I write, I run and I coach and my passion is to understand – and then help folk find – joint-friendly, efficient motion.

Using the latest in movement science and gait analysis technology I help people find solutions for their pain and injuries and show both walkers and runners how to find more speed for less effort incurring fewer injuries in the process.


I call it The PFM Way to Movement Efficiency; I’ve written a book about it called ‘Even With Your Shoes On – Discover your Natural Path to Smooth, Efficient, Enjoyable Running’.


I’ve also created a series of courses, with the themed acronym of PILOT: Pain & Injury Lifelines via Online Tutorials, to make spreading the knowledge more easily accessible. 

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I was presented with the Sash of Honour at the Queen’s Annual Royal Air Force Awards, 1982 and following over 6 years serving in the Royal Air Force as an Air Traffic Control Officer, retrained as a fitness instructor and remedial massage therapist.

Continuing therapist training evolved into a specialisation in vascular and lymphatic circulations through Dr Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage and Professor Leduc Medical Lymph Drainage.

Working with lymphoedema patients then athletes led to progressing my already long-term focus on Efficient Movement – particularly in the context of walking and running – to the road and triathlon cyclist.

This resulted in founding both Ten-Point: The Efficient Running & Cycling Studio and Perpetual Forward Motion Ltd – The PFM Way to Movement Efficiency.

Ten-Point taught bike-fitting to UK and European bike-fitters using the most advanced bike-fitting tool in the world – the GURU bike-fitting system.

The PFM Way rethinks conventional wisdom surrounding movement, pain and injury, approaching the problems of chronic pain and injury from ‘non-standard perspectives’ and enabling “lost causes” — those who have tried ‘everything’ — to find a way to break their pain/injury cycle. Supported by objective data provided by the most advanced gait analysis tech in the world and the first of its kind in the UK, I have created online courses – PFM PILOT – to share this knowledge, because I feel passionately that these ‘non-standard perspectives’ should be standard, conventional and widespread.


I am a cofounder of Barefoot Audio, an audio tool merging evocative coaching cues to inspirational music composed specifically with efficient running in mind.

In my injury clinic, I specialise in the solving of chronic pain and repetitive injuries, be they in the neck, shoulder, back, hip, knee, ankle or foot and connected to sports or not. Coaching better walking, running and cycling-form is often a follow-up outcome of the pain and injury solutions.

I am the PFM Efficient Running Master Coach and on-line coach for multi-sport athletes, author of the YMCAfit Barefoot/Efficient Running course and manual and was the coach to the inov-8 Natural Run programme.

I am an endurance athlete: minimalist ultra-distance runner and 8 times Ironman and credited with being the world’s first ‘barefoot’ Iron(wo)man.

Completing ‘the hardest Ironman in the world’, Ironman Lanzarote, in 2011 with a 41 min PB over Ironman Austria, 7 loo stops and a “I think it’s all over” moment in the swim, hanging off a course marker buoy for a while – the stubborn Yorkshire streak won!


  • Anatomy in Motion AiM Fully-Qualified Level 4 Practitioner.

  • Movement Development/Reflex Integration, incorporating both RIT and MNRI methodologies.

  • Corrective High-Performance Exercise Kinesiology CHEK Practitioner Level 2.

  • Corrective High-Performance Exercise Kinesiology CHEK Exercise Coach.

  • CHEK Golf Performance Specialist.

  • Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2.

  • Fully qualified Level 3 Vodder Manual Lymphatic Drainage therapist.

  • Fully qualified Leduc Medical Lymphatic Drainage therapist.

  • World’s first female F.I.S.T. Tri & Road bike fitter, trained by Dan Empfield of Slowtwitch and

  • Europe’s only female F.I.S.T. Advanced Tri & Road bike fitter.


One of my highest values is education and whilst I’m better at giving than receiving (still learning how to create balance between the two) I’m very keen on the concept of fair exchange. My other main core values form a bit of an equation:

Connection (me with you and you with your body) + clarity (my depth of knowledge and your understanding) = running JOY 

And without ALL of my teachers, all the lovely folk I’ve coached through the years, and my friends who’ve adventured with me, I wouldn’t have the understanding I have now and continue to develop; the understanding that enables me to use the latest technology available, to connect that which lay unconnected, to unveil the reality and to offer folk sovereignty of, and autonomy over, their bodies. I feel strongly that we shouldn’t be defined by the label of our injury or condition or syndrome … our bodies are experiencing something and if that something is slow to change despite best efforts, it’s probably because something is in the way. Let’s find it, root it out and CREATE CHANGE.

I’ve read a lot, studied a lot, listened a lot, run a lot, thought a lot, been influenced a lot and woven a lot of information together. I’ve gone round in a few circles in my time, but I always pop out somewhere interesting. Here are my teachers and guides, all of whom have helped me be me:

  • Gary Ward and Chris Sritharan of Anatomy in Motion

  • Matt Wallden, Leigh Brandon, Dan Hellman and Angie Chek of the CHEK Institute

  • Matt Wallden

  • Dan Empfield of Slowtwitch

  • Christa Sieber of Sieber and Paasch Institute, RIT-Reflexintegration

  • Trace Baumann of SwimMastery alongside Christa, above

  • Dr Svetlana Masgutova, Pamela Curlee and her team of amazing teachers at MNRI

  • Darren Barnes-Heath of Newlands Chiropractic Developing Brains

  • Hildegard Wittlinger and Anne Vadgama of the Vodder Method of Manual Lymph Drainage

  • Professor Albert Leduc and Olivier Leduc of the Leduc Method of Medical Lymph Drainage

  • Kirsty Hawkshaw, without whom Barefoot Audio wouldn’t exist

  • Clair Taylor-Powell – my fellow spirit on this roller-coaster adventure called LIFE.

  • Kendra Toothill … because “there’s only one Kendra Toothill” (private joke, but so much truth in it, it deserves to be mentioned).


The Royal Air Force was a constant and rolling education over the course of 6.5 years, with bosses to salute every which way I looked, and prior to that, my maths teacher Mrs Thornley, deserves special mention, as she had the patience of a saint. Maths remains an unconquered challenge …

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