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Welcome to the world’s most advanced motion analysis tech – fondly known to all as DORIS – the only one of its kind in the UK and the only one used with my skill-set: to objectively analyse your joint movements in order to use MOVEMENT to unlock and build your athletic potential.

Your body is a complete, communicative unit – even when it’s in pain and/or locked into a particular shape. Your bony framework is linked together with joints, providing the potential for effective, efficient, comfortable movement.

Now whilst the subject of joint mechanics – or biomechanics to some – is endlessly complex, we can conceptualise it into elegant simplicity merely by swapping the word ‘joints’ for ‘doors’. If all those ‘doors’ throughout your body were wide open, you’d collapse to the floor with no integrity to your structural strength. On the other hand, if all your ‘doors’ were closed tight, you’d be rooted to the spot – all structural strength but no movement.

Balance between ‘open’ and ‘closed’ is required, and when present, we might express our movement as a synchronized, graceful dance of some doors opening, and some doors closing. When movement doesn’t look or feel ‘graceful’, ‘effortless’ or ‘fluid’ (and equally when chronic pain persists), we could look structurally to see where some doors have had to stay ajar continually as an adaptation for others that have become locked tight.

Your knee is a great example of this. It is a fairly simple and stable ‘door’, designed to bend and straighten and twist (a little) and bear more than your bodyweight when running and jumping. So why do knees seem to ‘break’ so often?

Have you considered that your knee is simply the end result of whatever the top of the thigh bone is doing in the hip socket and what the shin bone is up to at your ankle?

Once that’s understood, work down and offer consideration to what the 33 ‘doors’ in the foot are up to in their 3-dimensions of movement relative to the ankle, and correlate that to the knee.

Then work up, to scrutinize how the 3D pelvis is moving relative to the 3D spine … to the 3D skull … to the 3D shoulder blades … to the 3D arms … all the ‘doors’ having knock-on effects on all other ‘doors’.

The permutations aren’t endless, but they are in 7 figures.  And I can accurately measure WHAT is happening in a 6 second recording.

So is your foot/ankle/knee/hip/back/neck/shoulder/chest/elbow/wrist pain really a problem with that area? Or is it simply the end result of problems elsewhere? If normal healing time has passed and you’re still having issues, logic would suggest the latter.

This mind-blowing tech (DORIS) combined with my knowledge and experience will root out the source/s of your movement woes and you’ll see it – right in front of your eyes.

  • 240 images per second to record movement of vertebral column and pelvis in 3D. To put that into perspective, all my clients were blown away with the previous Diers Motion Lab I operated 2015-19, which measured at a rate of 60 images per second; staggeringly impressive tech, but not fast enough for running analysis.

  • 5 cameras capture all angles, all limbs, the spine and the pelvis simultaneously. 6 second recordings, collecting an IMMENSE amount of data, mean we can measure and re-measure quickly and easily, and with comparison software, identify swiftly what is and isn’t changing. Subjective “I think I feel better” is replaced with objective “that area is now moving in the right direction”.

  • With lateral deviation of +/-4mm and +/-3 degrees of transverse plane deviation, the tech is more accurate than an X-ray (which is considered ‘precise’ at +/-5 degrees) … and records with this accuracy at speeds of up to 20kph.

  • Radiation-free, photo-optical tech that is safe for all.

  • Treadmill with integrated force plate and nearly 8000 pressure sensors; it recalibrates itself every 0.2 seconds to take account of the treadmill belt being affected by the arrival impact of the foot. Not all treadmills are equal!

  • When athletes get stuck in an injury rut, labels aren’t helpful. Jack Nicholson nailed it in ‘As Good As It Gets’ with the immortal line “I’m drowning here, and you’re describing the water!” With this revolutionary tech, we can SEE AND MEASURE what’s happening, globally and accurately. Comparing standing to walking to running to sprinting (if necessary) and repeating the analysis again and again gives us the data to understand your body’s restrictions in order to provide movement solutions.

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